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Spa Pure 1 KG pH Plus (+) Bayrol SpaTime Alca Plus 1KG
Spa Pure
RRP: £9.10 Inc VAT
Our Price: £9.10 Inc VAT
1 KG pH Plus (+)
RRP: £10.39 Inc VAT
Our Price: £10.39 Inc VAT
Bayrol SpaTime Alca Plus 1KG
RRP: £12.91 Inc VAT
Our Price: £12.91 Inc VAT
The special formula in Spa Pure allows it to effectively prevent problems with the water treatment. Spa Pure provides additional disinfection and keeps the water crystal clear. Spa Pure can also be used if the water has become turbid or discoloured. Spa Pure can be used with all treatment methods. pH-Plus raises and stabilises the pH value in your spa water. The correct pH value is the basis for all water treatment. To enhance the effect of all care products, the optimum pH value should be between 7.0 and 7.6.
Alca-Plus raises the total alkalinity (TA) level of your spa water. A low TA level may cause the pH to fluctuate. It also causes spa water to be corrosive, which may result in staining and damage to the spa surfaces.

1.5KG pH-Minus (-) 1KG Hardness Plus 1LTR Surface Cleaner
1.5KG pH-Minus (-)
RRP: £12.91 Inc VAT
Our Price: £12.91 Inc VAT
1KG Hardness Plus
RRP: £13.62 Inc VAT
Our Price: £13.62 Inc VAT
1LTR Surface Cleaner
RRP: £17.21 Inc VAT
Our Price: £17.21 Inc VAT
pH-Minus lowers the pH value in your spa water. The pH value is the basis for all water treatment. To enhance the effect of all care products, it should be between 7.0 and 7.6. Hardness Plus increases the calcium hardness in your spa water. A low hardness level (soft water) may lead to staining of surfaces such as the spa shell. Surface Cleaner allows easy cleaning of the whole spa. Its special formula is particularly effective on scum lines, oils and grease.
1KG Chlorine Granules 1LTR Clarifier 1LTR Hardness Stabiliser
1KG Chlorine Granules
RRP: £17.93 Inc VAT
Our Price: £17.93 Inc VAT
1LTR Clarifier
RRP: £17.93 Inc VAT
Our Price: £17.93 Inc VAT
1LTR Hardness Stabiliser
RRP: £20.08 Inc VAT
Our Price: £20.08 Inc VAT
Chlorine granules will disinfect your spa water
reliably. The granules dissolve quickly and work
rapidly at removing bacteria, turbidity and
impurities in the spa water.

Very small particles can cause turbidity in your spa water. Adding the Clarifier will help these small particles to conglomerate and to be held back in the filter. Hardness Stabiliser prevents calcium precipitations forming on the walls and in the pipes of your spa.
1KG Pipework Cleaner Bayrol SpaTime Antifoam 1LTR Bayrol SpaTime Active Oxygen Activator 1LTR
1KG Pipework Cleaner
RRP: £22.58 Inc VAT
Our Price: £22.58 Inc VAT
Bayrol SpaTime Antifoam 1LTR
RRP: £23.52 Inc VAT
Our Price: £23.52 Inc VAT
Bayrol SpaTime Active Oxygen Activator 1LTR
RRP: £24.38 Inc VAT
Our Price: £24.38 Inc VAT
Over a period of time pipework can become contaminated. The impurities in the pipework absorb the disinfectant, causing problems with the water treatment. Pipework Cleaner consists of special granules for deep cleansing of the spa pipework.
Anti Foam is a highly effective anti foaming agent for spa water. Foaming can be caused by soap residues or body care products. Active oxygen granules will disinfect your spa water gently. This totally chlorine-free treatment method creates a more natural and pleasant water quality. To increase the efficacy, SpaTime active oxygen activator must be used along with active oxygen granules.
1KG Chlorine Tablet 20g Bayrol SpaTime Active Oxygen Granules 1KG Bayrol SpaTime Bromine Tablets (20g) 0.8KG
1KG Chlorine Tablet 20g
RRP: £25.09 Inc VAT
Our Price: £25.09 Inc VAT
Bayrol SpaTime Active Oxygen Granules 1KG
RRP: £33.71 Inc VAT
Our Price: £33.71 Inc VAT
Bayrol SpaTime Bromine Tablets (20g) 0.8KG
RRP: £55.79 Inc VAT
Our Price: £55.79 Inc VAT
Chlorine Tablets 20 g have a high available
chlorine content and therefore reliably disinfect
your spa water. Its slow dissolving properties
allow consistent chlorination over a longer
period. The special formula ensures the
chlorine tablets 20 g only dissolve when the
filter pump is running to avoid overdosing.

Active oxygen granules will disinfect your spa water gently. This totally chlorine-free treatment method creates a more natural and pleasant water quality. To increase the efficacy, SpaTime active oxygen activator must be used along with active oxygen granules.
Bromine tablets reliably disinfect your spa water and are just as effective as chlorine, without the chlorine odour. The tablets dissolve slowly and release the product over a longer period.